Archive for September, 2010

Wall Paper

Friday, September 24th, 2010

Alex carried his tranquilised wife into their now empty home, the toys that were now obsolete scattered the floor and he pushed his tears down deep. The house was chill and clammy damp. The hospital smell was all over him but there was nothing he could do. He dropped Clare on the settee and picked […]

The Hiking Sticks

Friday, September 17th, 2010

Broken in the woods the aluminum pole that had once been a black and gold hiking stick lay. The leaves half covered it before anyone arrived looking for it’s young Mistress but unfortunately by that point she was many miles away and on the verge of death. The police bagged it up like a dog […]

Best Of Friday Flash

Friday, September 10th, 2010

I am part of an online community called Friday Flash – it started off as a twitter thing and grew from there. Each week on Friday we post links to our pieces of flash fiction, we add them to the collector and we read each others works (sometimes when time permits!). There is now a […]

The Maiden’s Dream

Thursday, September 2nd, 2010

The Maiden’s Dream (first published on Turquoise Monster) Green and leafy forest light Watching over maidens plight Purple night dark and cold Witches plot, evil bold Red rose lips cold to touch Drank the poison with her lunch Black and dark the misery sleep Hoping waiting faeries peep Greying hags place dragon there The maiden […]