Archive for the 'The Punks World' Category

Issues with Reality

Sunday, November 2nd, 2014

I have an issue with the Punk’s Universe that I am creating stories in for NaNoWriMo and it is to do with reality. So last years was based on a series that is going to end in plague and stuff but I have kind of put off finishing that section due to the Ebola stuff […]

Two Thirds Done!

Monday, October 20th, 2014

This month I am taking part in a writing challenge called GothNoWriMo – where you write a gothic or horror novel in a month. We are two thirds of the way through this month and I am struggling a bit, there has been alot of other stuff going on from working at the Cheltenham Literature […]

Red Globe

Sunday, October 12th, 2014

Throughout history it had been known as the Red planet, or as some harbringer of war. Mars sat in the field of view and Elsa felt the same awe she had as a child as she flicked through the space agencies’ rovers images. She’d always thought of it as a Red Globe, the same as […]

Lady Chaos

Saturday, October 11th, 2014

The monster awoke to the dark cold of the lab, air con to stop the computers over heating, the monster shivered and tried to sit up. She was bounded a trolly, the thin padding doing not a lot to ease her discomfort. She mewed in despair, her language centres were not yet functioning, somewhere in […]

Gothnowrimo Update First 3rd

Friday, October 10th, 2014

WE I wrote a couple of shorts, a couple of poems and then I hit a snag – one of the stories based on a nightmare I had, kind of didn’t want to be a flash fiction, nor a short story as it turned out. Nope it wants to be a novel or a novelette […]

Blue Glass

Thursday, October 9th, 2014

She’d found it on the beach. It wasn’t much of a thing, just a fake gem from some piece of costume jewellery, but it was glass and not plastic at least. A lovely domed oval of blue glass with little flecks within. Bov held it up to the weak sun light and imagined that each […]


Wednesday, October 8th, 2014

The myth ran somewhat like this – There was a time when the Master made all the races that filled the earths and the skies and the seas. A great dwelling rose up higher than the tallest mountain and that was were the Masters lived with their chosen, they gave them wings and they would […]

Beyond the Sandy Hills

Tuesday, October 7th, 2014

It was there beyond the Sandy Hills; everybody knew it, though no one could now recall where the stories had come from. All the elders were certain that the edge, the barrier to their world was beyond the Sandy Hills. Most were scared of what lay there in the beyond but not Inanu. She had […]


Thursday, September 11th, 2014

The pack of unlikely primates were bright but not the best equipped animals, it was amazing they had survived this far, their leader was the most intelligent amongst them. He’d killed all the other males but now as his group all began to be heavily pregnant or nursing small babes he wondered if that had […]


Sunday, January 5th, 2014

The area was out of bounds, it was more than that, it was a death zone but Andrea no longer had a choice, she could hear the dogs barking behind her. There was no where else left to go. The fence metal was cold and rusted, chunks of paint cut into her fingers but she […]