Writing Inspiration – Advice
Yes I am writing an advice piece on writing advice!
The main thing about advice is realising that what is good for one person is not good for everyone, and trying different things until you find what works for you is the way to go (or not depending on the type of person you are!). What I found helpful was to read as many books on writing and being creative as I could, I followed lots of writers on twitter and took part in the hashtag discussion groups such as #scifichat, #litchat and #writechat. I joined other communities both on and off line and had a stream of almost continuous advise – some of which appeared to be contradictory.
I found what worked for me but this didn’t mean I could ignore the rest as I found I would grind to a halt after about a year with any one technique. So I now work my way through various creative processes.
I found [Joanna Penn](https://twitter.com/thecreativepenn_ on twitter to be a really good source of inspiration and determination – I decided early on that I wanted to focus on self publishing and she is a brilliant example with videos and everything 🙂
This is her website.
Though I think for inspiration Neil Gaiman and his make good art speech is probably the best thing a writer can watch!
It’s been made into a book now!
I also found Matt Cowards Success and How to Avoid It, brilliant in it’s realism and dry humour, though it does deal alot with getting on with markets rather than the creative process.
I also love Stephen Kings On Writing.
I could keep going with communities and specific blogs but think I shall keep them for another post.
Posted: Wednesday, February 20th, 2013 @ 6:40 pm
Categories: Inspiration.
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