Writing Inspiration – Workshops
If you are stuck in a rut where writing is concerned going to a writing workshop or retreat (where you have nothing to do other than write) or even starting a creative writing course – can jolt you back into the flow of writing again. Rarely it can have the opposite affect especially if you are still at a delicate beginning stage or are an experimental writer. If you are into scifi and fantasy you may struggle to find people who take your genres seriously as well.
None the less they have helped me lots – but they are not essential. You can either find on line tutorials or writing exercises though the danger there is that can turn into a procrastination of it’s own!
A really good thing is to find other writers (this normally happens through local writing groups and /or nanowrimo) and once you are friends with them invite them to meet up in coffee shops and pubs for write-ins. You might even want to take it in turns to set challenges for each other.
I now have a close circle of friends who I sometimes invite around my house for Creativi-Teas where we have tea and cake and sandwiches and we draw, knit, write and sneak off to the workshop to do the odd bit of metal work.
Posted: Thursday, November 7th, 2013 @ 6:22 pm
Categories: Inspiration.
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