The Daft Cat
The Daft Cat (first published on Red Monster)
Minnie the cat was a daft old thing. She pretended to be the grouchiest, meanest “DONT COME NEAR ME” cat in the whole farm, and there were a lot of cats, at least five though sometimes visiting cats would lurk taking the number up to seven. But Minnie was really as soft as butter and when the little Black and White kittens who were – she professed – the bane of her life pounced on the end of her tail, which was flicking in annoyance over their distracting little mews whilst she was watching the birds on the windowsill – she was secretly pleased.
She duffed them up anyway, and then went out and caught them a mouse.
The kittens loved Minnie and were always trying to snuggle up with her – oh, she wasn’t their mother, but then their mother had been a neglected cat and had taken it out on them so Minnie was an angel in comparison. Plus she bought them mice.
Minnie often chased them off and, once she was sure they knew who was boss, she would let them snuggle up to her – it was just for the warmth, you understand; it had nothing to do with little cute noises and fluffy fur.
Posted: Thursday, November 11th, 2010 @ 9:47 pm
Categories: Flash Fiction.
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