
The sky had grown dark after the initial flare that had rebuffed off of the shield that enshrouded the planet. And now they floated a lost ball in the darkness, too far out to receive warmth from their dying sun. Energy from below, from within – geothermal, had kept them going in artificially lit cities, they had floated through space though everything and now at the dawn of the tenth age they finially after so many close calls faced extinction.

Extinction of the mind as well as the body, religions had come and religions had gone in their past but never one so unbelievably parralising as this. A disease almost, the scriptures said it had come before and that it would come again. But many feared there would now be no next time, though many had left the cradle to which this dying race still adhered. Out there there where many, many who had escaped and had never heard of the new age, of order born of chaos of the blood letting and the harmony of death.

No thinking was permitted now upon the darkly glittering surface, the world had slowed, a day so long, much more than a year and yet it still turned but not for much longer.

Time had not stretched instead days had become epochs within themselves some living lives in the half light and some condemned to know only darkness.

Such a world can foster many things, this one? It fostered…. Me.

I am Antrik of the House of Light Cone, and I shall awaken the world once again show it the horizon and what is beyond. How can I be content to stay in the cradle? A cradle that is dying and festering from the rot within. I am a Remnant Human and I shall be the champion that throws us once more into the stars we see, those glinting diamonds of harsh beauty. I have looked upon the universe with eyes that cannot see my own world in its intolerable half light. The Crones offered me once to fix those eyes but I was prophesied. I was spoken of I was dreamed off, my eyes are ancient from beyond this incarnation of our long gone star. Eyes with apertures too small, and with colour receptors and here I am blind.

A cripple on a world of the condemned.

Come with me and I will show you, you who invade my head when I dream, I will show you my world, I will show you in the waking – for I feel you there, the pressure in my head and I know you are there to guide me, to help me in this finial battle. The mind quakes have come and the Earth is finally dying. All but the Remnants fled for the depths, we must leave too or perish. Help us? Help me? I am a reble in these parts sentenced to die slowly and painfully unaware of self.

Come with me?

Antrik awoke, she had lain on the fungal matt for too long and the tendrils had weaved themselves into the heavy fabric she wore. A dirty brown, though she had no name for the colours her eyes perceived. Pale transparent skin, she was luminous with wild staring eyes, too large and dark in a triangular face and yet to her own people of her own time they where small, small insipid eyes. Ghostly eyes of the past. The operation to correct them had been offered and declined. No matter she was mentally unstable.

She was condemned to death, she was a thought criminal if only in the third degree. The Regime where not unkind and she had light here, glourious bright light that hurt her eyes initially and would blind her jailor where he to look upon it. It was a blessed relief to her, never before had there been one such as her – a Remnant who was scared of the dark, who sort the light, who gloried in the thoughts of beyond.

Her thoughts went against the rest and this hurt, this hurt many and so they had cut her off locked her away. She grinned with a small thin lipped mouth still infused with warmth so alien to the Remnants. Cold, and dark their world, the cradle rotted, broken deserted and yet they clinged. But they could not silence her thoughts, she was different from the web, she could not be buffered and blocked by the alloys they used in the prison cells, and the most delicious thing? They did not realise this, they did not know, she had been talking to others. Others the council said did not exist, others that had once been of this barren rock, others who’s origin had been millenia before based upon this same spinning rock before the end and rebirth. Before the Religion had locked itself upon them and before the secular mania had hit upon the thoughts in an oscillating cycle of destruction.

Her own space to think, to grow, to be. It had been what she needed and now she was stronge, and she was calling them towards her, calling them closer to release her, to help her achieve her goals. Release the mind lock of the Council, destroy the Web and to leave this ghastly place.

She had seen their dreams and had spoken to them within the confines of the darkness within, she had shown them her world and they unwittingly and purposely had shown her their’s. And there where a myriad of forms and a mish mash of homes and yet all could hear her, all had come from here. This soil had nourished their ancestors, somewhere deep within they shared something no matter how many generations and mutations of self had occurred. Her small ears felt warm and wet and as she sat a cold trickle run down each check, her fingers long and brittle felt the sticky substance and looked at a redness she knew not the word for.

Elsewhere in the complex that imprisoned her there had been a surge in the power and the shields that kept the atmosphere had wavered.

They were coming.

Posted: Thursday, January 19th, 2012 @ 9:26 am
Categories: Flash Fiction.
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