Halloween Story Starters
A little something for fellow writers out there who maybe a little stuck – these are story starters just write down or copy and continue the story. I’ve had lots of success using mine and other peoples story starters – they are there for free for you 🙂
These ones are halloween themed mwhahahahahahaha.
1) Her feet were cold, she shivered awake with the pain of it and realised her leg was outside of the cover…
2) A strange smell, cloying and thick was wafting up from the drains again…
3) The scream was piercing and short, as if it had been cut off, now the night was completely silent as if it were waiting…
4) Trembling fingers could not operate the door lock, and she knew the shadows were creeping in, could feel them at her back…
5) Vlad blinked at the moonlight, it was a vonderful night and there was so much to do…
6) Their bodies were laid out, in size order, as if they were nothing but things to be organised…
7) The pumpkin was rotting, furry tendrils escaping from the crude square sockets…
8) The shadows lurched across the sky black on the deepest purple, somewhere an owl whooted…
9) They were prepared for the horrors of the deeps and those from the depths and those from the fathoms of no return but it was the darkness inside that got them in the end.
10) Mist oozed into the little hollow, it came silently, seeming to climb up onto the various tree stumps. It covered the pale mound completely…
Posted: Thursday, October 1st, 2015 @ 10:14 am
Categories: Story Starters.
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