NaPoWriMo & Screnzy 2015
I do love my writing challenges and April is a busy month with a poem a day writing challenge known as National Poetry Writing Month and Screnzy or Script Frenzy which was an off shoot of Novel Writing Month that I do in November.
Now Screnzy stopped officially existed a while back but there is still a forum on the nano site and I use it as a time to focus on my comic books 🙂
This year I am writing one on the origin of the Aquatic Apes within my Punk’s Universe. On the off chance that I actually finish that one I am going to be trying to complete previous years scripts – I am bad at screnzy – the challenge is 100 pages – I fail!
Having said all this I’d better get on and do some writing!
Posted: Thursday, April 2nd, 2015 @ 8:05 am
Categories: Inspiration, The Punks World.
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