Christmas Is the Word
To help all the other writers out there and because it helps spark the writery part of my own brain I thought I’d share this little exercies:
First write down five words you associate with Christmas.
1) Snow
2) Presents
3) Star
4) Ginger Bread
5) Board Games
Now taking the first word you have to write another word it makes you think of so –
snow, ice
You do this until you have ten words. If you like the easy life then you can simply write connective sentences and see if it forms a story.
Or you can think of the themes and construct a story line and then start writing from the themes rather than the actual words.
Or if you’d like to you can see about linking all the words from the first list with the connecting words you added afterwards – this can be tricky and they have to make sense.
So: Snow, ice, sliding, sledge, santa, presents
Make it more complicated and better for a well rounded story by not allowing any repeats of words.
Posted: Thursday, December 18th, 2014 @ 11:02 am
Categories: Inspiration.
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