Punk’s Universe – Aquatic Apes

The Aquatic Apes in the Punk’s Universe evolved from two sisters or close female relatives who were thrown into the sea to die. They were both pregnant and were rescued by dolphins who took them to a series of volcanic islands.

There they evolved into an aquatic sub-species with webbed hands and feet and larger heads from the fish protein and iron which greens from the sea, water assisted birth and boyancy. Some of the ones with very large heads did not leave the water.

They created their own technology using the lava and water around them, based on glass including later on optronics instead of electronics. By the time that Aten the Archetect is born there have been issues with inbreeding and his generation are already genetically altered though this is not common knowledge and there are religous movements against such things.

There were three sea empires or island cities – Atlantis, Heva and Pacifica. Each has it’s own distinct though related culture, they all have a super computer core which is backed up at Babel which is a land town and a bone of contention.

There are three to four factions within the Aquatic Ape social structure which resemble Nazi type mentalities. These continue down the ages via secret societies that actually control the human race and want to enslave, destroy or unit us/free us.

The Empires had long and interesting histories including a space programme which was far more advanced than anything we currently have. This pre-dates Aten though.

They had colonies through out the solar system and were mining the asteroids. A rogue colony was also set up on Nemises an extra solar planet that has been caught in an erratic orbit around our sun.

The Aquatic Apes are tall and look like greys/aliens, they also live far longer than us (which they genetically engineered from themselves and other homosapien sup-species that were wondering about.), they live for about 700 years naturally but also had brilliant life extension tech.

Proficient at both wetware genetics and the like they had meat computers as well as optronic (glass) super computers that could run complex models and to a certain degree of accuracy – predict the future.

They are behind all the secret societies and great civilizations through out human history.

They also had pumice/rock ships and the beginnings of upload technology as well as the beginnings of artificial intelligence. Combined with their slave/child race a singularity and interstella travel may yet happen.

Posted: Friday, November 14th, 2014 @ 7:06 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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