Babel’s Key – Main Characters

The main characters are Sam and Mack – they are a married couple with two children.

Sam: mother, part time climbing instructor, science – probably Geology undergraduate degree, obsessed with games, scifi and all things geeky, is the driving force behind the Lovecraft Computer Game. She is fit, and a bit of a health nut and unsure of herself in many ways.

Mack: Loving father and husband, a computer programmer with fear of not being able to support his family and guilt complex about ruining his wife’s career, has a high stress job and self confidence issues. He has taken up a self defence system called Krav Marga to help with confidence and to keep him fit and as the result of an almost attack.

Posted: Friday, November 21st, 2014 @ 9:52 am
Categories: Inspiration, The Punks World.
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