
I love my writing challenges and October is GothNoWriMo, a challenge not unlike NaNoWriMo which is NAtional Novel Writing Month where you attempt to do write a novel in a month (who knew!). GothNoWriMo is an unofficial gothic version which runs in October – I like doing it as a warm up for Nano.

Previous years I have written novels or 30 poems of the flopping around in pale shimmering nightdress variety, this year I thought I would do a series of flash fictions that focus more on the dark side of things.

Flash Fictions are stories under 1000 words long and I set this blog up as part of a weekly challenge I take part in on twitter called FridayFlash – where you write a flash fiction each week and share it for free on social media. I have been doing this for years now!

Now I have done the 30 stories in 30 days challenge before so thought I would up the stakes and go for more like 2 stories a day – that is 60+ stories.

I will be rolling the tropes out.

Writing commenses at midnight!

I will do regular updates and probably post a lot of the stories as I go.

Posted: Tuesday, September 30th, 2014 @ 10:10 pm
Categories: Inspiration.
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