Archive for the 'Story Starters' Category

NaPiBoWriWee 2015

Monday, May 4th, 2015

The beginning of may always sees one of the madnesses that is the writing and creative challenges that I love so much. This time it is National Picture Book Writing Week where the idea is to write a picture book a day for seven days – it is intense but productive 🙂 I tend to […]

Scripting Success :D

Thursday, April 30th, 2015

I completed this years script and worked a lot on previous scripts – applied for comic book fairs and got my comic book script questions answered by Neil Gaiman – this is SUCCESS 😀

Story Starters

Thursday, April 23rd, 2015

These are beginnings of stories you can use to get yourself writing 🙂 1) The lights blinked and flickered in the night, the bustle of the city had a greasy feel to it 2) It was the bowls club annual, there would be a tournament followed by lemonade and then a meal in the club […]

Story Starters 2015

Thursday, April 16th, 2015

I try and put out some story starters to help writers get the old creative juices flowing. 1) The carvings were chipped and weathered but the form a face was still visible 2) The design desk was cluttered with sleek looking cars and sketches of animal back bones 3) The rhinos stared at him, it […]

Story Starter Time!

Thursday, April 9th, 2015

Story starters originally started on twitter where authors were write the beginnings of stories and then share them for other writers to finish off. 1) The distortion on the images was caused by the fish eye lens it allowed them to see more the room 2) They were finally up in the mountains and the […]

NaPoWriMo & Screnzy 2015

Thursday, April 2nd, 2015

I do love my writing challenges and April is a busy month with a poem a day writing challenge known as National Poetry Writing Month and Screnzy or Script Frenzy which was an off shoot of Novel Writing Month that I do in November. Now Screnzy stopped officially existed a while back but there is […]

The Bound River – Picture a Story

Tuesday, March 24th, 2015

Picture a story is a regular writing exercise I post to help other writers who might be suffering writers block. Concrete and stone sides to the river, why and how and what does the river think?

More 2015 Story Starters

Sunday, March 15th, 2015

Story Starters are posted here to help writers create new stories 🙂 1) The photo was black and white, it showed a diver with big eye mask and tube in the mouth, they looked clunky by modern standards 2) The walkway was hung from the trees and yet still here there were roots of the […]

Dark Tree – Picture a Story

Thursday, March 5th, 2015

Picture a story is a writing challenge I set. Look at the picture above and do ten minutes writing from it – if it does not initially spark a story idea just start describing it.

Fresh Beginnings – New Year Story Starters

Sunday, February 15th, 2015

I try and post story starters to help kick start my own and other writers stories. This started as a twitter thing with a hash tag and everything – I have posted rather a lot of the things and some of the stories people have produced have been amazing – some have even been published! […]