

Minni waited by the door, she was getting hungry the Lady had left earlier with the Other Bigs. The Lady had looked distressed, Minni was worried. The Others had tied the Lady into chair that moved. Minni knew tying up when she saw it – the Lady had once rescued her after the Small Bigs had tied her up and hit her with sticks. Minni hadn’t known the Lady was nice and had clawed and scratched to escape she had even bitten the Lady but that was distant memory now. ‘Meow?’ she said hopefully at the door, but no one came.

The Lady hadn’t fed her last night either, this was very rare, the Lady always fed her at six on the dot, morning and night, but nothing had been put in the bowls, the water hadn’t even been changed. Minni was thirsty too but she was more worried about the Lady.

Had Minni done something wrong? Something to upset the Lady? Had she not caught enough rabbits? Yes that must be it she hadn’t caught enough rabbits, perhaps if she caught a rabbit and put it near the Lady’s chair, (the one she wasn’t allowed to sharpen her claws on) then the Lady would be pleased and come back.

Minni stood from her sitting sentinal position and with a quick little shake she padded across to the cat flap. She prodded it with one paw, there was no give, it was locked. The Cat flap was locked! The Lady only did that when it was time to go in the Thing and then in the Big Thing that rumbled this was normally followed by a room full of the scent of fear and pain, a place she could smell death then a Big, sometimes the Lady herself would hold her down and push a thorn into her. She was always grumpy with the Lady after these events. But the Lady wasn’t here now, so how could she take Minni in the Big Thing?

Minni sat by the cat flap poking it periodically, just to check it hadn’t somehow magically unlocked. Mmmm… Minni needed to go outside now, she needed to find some dry sheltered lose bit of earth in which to relieve herself. She would have to hold it – the Lady was very definite about what happened to cats who relieve themselves in the house. She went back to the door ‘Mew?’ she said uncertainly. It was getting dark now, where was the Lady? Minni curled up by the radiator and slept…

Minni was horrified with herself – she had managed to find a plant pot full of loose Earth, but she was sure the green plant should be in the pot but due to the burying action it now lay on the fake stone lino. Minni had also drunk out of the Lady’s litter tray as it was the only water she could find, why had the Lady abandoned her? She sniffed around the the back door maybe, just maybe there would be a way into the garden then she could catch that rabbit. There wasn’t even a draft, she snorted and moved back to her guard position, she raised her front paw and began licking it, she had to be nice and clean for when the Lady came back.

Minni was dozing again when she heard the metal on metal of the lock, her ears pricked up and she keenly awaited the Lady, the purr had already started in her throat. But it wasn’t the Lady instead it was the Man, the Man had once been a Small Big, Minni had been shocked that the Lady had Small Bigs, it had taken six weeks before any of them could stroke her and even then they would often be clawed or bitten or hissed at. Form watching the Lady with these Small Bigs, Minni had decided that they where in fact Kitten Bigs. The Lady often acted just as she had done when training her kittens, though they didn’t scrap the floor after eating instead they scraped the round things food appeared on. But it was basically the same thing.

Minni was happy to see the Man, the Man often came round for meals, he also stroked Minni lots. The Man didn’t seem very happy though, even when she rubbed up against him ‘Meow?’ she asked. He stroked her half heartedly and then strode to the kitchen. He put out food for her, she wolfed it down, even though he had forgotten the biscuits.

He cleaned up her mess and rumbled at her in his deep voice, Minni rubbed against his ankled, but he picked her up and shoved her in the Thing and then took her to the Big Thing that rumbled and she yowled and hissed and laid her ears back. Was it because she’d messed in the house?

Finally the roaring stopped and Minni was pulled out of the Big Thing and taken into a House but it wasn’t Her House. The Man let her out and she shot off to hide, The Man’s Kitten Bigs thundered into the room and he shushed them but still they came for her, she hissed even though she normally let them stroke her when they came for meals.

The biggest Kitten Big managed to grab her, Minni gave up struggling as the scritching of her head started, it was so lovely and needed. She relaxed into it, the Kitten Big was explaining stuff to her but she never had mastered Hoomin. Minni awoke in the middle of the night on the Kitten Bigs bed.

She felt awful! The Lady was still missing, she had to catch her a rabbit, looking around though she couldn’t work out how she would get the rabbit to The Lady’s special chair.

But later that day the chair appeared in the living room, Minni padded over to it and sniffed it, she could small not The Lady Bigs on it but mainly the lady and she purred and rubbed her scent all over it. Now she could catch that rabbit!

She darted around until she found the door but there was no cat flap! She meowed pointedly to the Kitten Bigs but they just stroked her and though she head butted them with affection it was very frustrating that they were not letting her OUT!

She would never be able to catch the rabbit for The Lady like this. Minni sneaked away from the Kitten Bigs and lurked by the front door, ready to skaddadle. But the Kitten Big found her and picked her up as the door was opened, she struggled but was held firmly. A metal chair was being dragged through the door by The Man, it had round spinny things on the bottom of it that looked just right for running over tails, Minni did not approve. Then to Minni’s delight, The Lady appeared! She had a metal cage in front of her that she was moving bit by bit, it seemed to be slowing her down a lot Minni wondered why she didn’t just walk around it but mainly she was happy to see her Big.

It was very frustrating, the Kitten Big just would not let go of her and she wanted to wrap herself around the lady’s legs and show her how pleased she was to see her. But then the Kitten Big did take her over to The Lady’s chair, she jumped on her Big’s lap and purred and purred, even though her Big smelt a bit funny, like the place with the thorns and the scent of death but that would pass then maybe they could go home?

She nuzzled her Big and settled down for a lap nap.

Posted: Saturday, February 1st, 2014 @ 8:03 am
Categories: Story.
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