Summer Story Starters

These are starting sentences that writers can use to get the process of story telling going. Pick a line and write the story to go with it 🙂

1) It was hot, the sunlight kicked off of the concrete and hit a blinding hammer…

2) The sand was so fine it stuck to her feet, squidged between her toes, the water looked blue too, actually blue…

3) Bight colours glowed in the storm light, including the neon hoodies as they stood around puffing vapour clouds to the sky…

4) The sea! They were going to the sea and there would fish, lots and lots of fish!

5) He’d planted the garden so long ago, but was in truth still planting it now, building it up and allowing it to grow…

Posted: Thursday, August 20th, 2015 @ 7:13 am
Categories: Story Starters.
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