The Punk 100 Collection

Since starting the NaNoWriMo writing challenges in 2009 I have been working on the same world/universe, initially in novel form and then in comic book form. The comic book was initially only supposed to be a world building exercise but took on a life of it’s own and also broke me out of the stifling idea that it all had to be novels.

I have since written flash fictions and short stories based in the world along with novellettes and possibly novellas. So after writing a hell of a lot more of these flash fictions for both GothNoWriMo (the October writing challenge) and NaNo this year – I have decided to assemble a collection or two.

They are called:

The Punk 100

Punk Flash

Punk Shorts

A Little Taste of Punk

Punk Mini

Punk Micro

Punk Layer

The Punk’s World

The Punk’s Universe


I will probably start with The Punk 100 which will contain 100 things about the Punk’s world or Universe. Mainly it will be Flash Fiction with some micro fiction, comic strip, short stories, novelettes and one novella.

I am currently not even sure if I have enough material but I am sure that if I do not already then I will be close and I have a lot more stories planned out so it shouldn’t be too hard to get there. Then all I need to do is collate, edit, proof, typeset, sort a cover, ISBN and publish (probably forgotten something there!).

But NOT until the end of November may I start such a project 🙂

Posted: Monday, November 17th, 2014 @ 11:19 pm
Categories: Publications, The Punks World.
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