All Nano’s Eve

It’s Halloween and we have a sort of party in progress – an All Hallows Read – an idea started by Neil Gaiman where people give horror books for Halloween. We haven’t been very good at remembering the books as the kids – ours and other peoples hurtle about or sit sit absorbed into the world of films.

The plan for later ie once the youngest ones are a sleep is to play my broth-in-laws board game Ancient Terrible Things. We have been looking forward to this for a while now and I at least hope it may help get the creative juices flowing. For once those midnight bells do toll it is time for the writers amongst us to retreat.

For this is the night before the writing challenge National Novel Writing Month were people as insane as me and my husband, attempt to write a novel or rather 50, 000 words in a month.

I will be attempting to write through until dawn.

And of course this is on the heels of GothNoWriMo which was my writing challenge and warm up for October – an attempt to write a Gothic Novel in a month (30-70 K words). I broke the lower end but did not even scrap the higher end.

But I am now nicely warmed up for my writing challenge of the year.

Posted: Friday, October 31st, 2014 @ 8:06 pm
Categories: Inspiration.
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