
The liquid was cool and clear and had many many little bubble floating up and popping on the surface, pop and fizz and sugary smell, it drew her forward. Kimmy stared at the offered beverage her eyes wide with wonder, dark brown hair curled around her face but she did not move to take the glass.

The large lady offered it again and smiled, it was a sad smile but Kimmy was weary of it, it looked different to the viscous smiles that would offer her food and then take it away and laugh or land a fist on her. A chunky hand covered in more gold and glitter than she had ever seen, lowered the glass down to her height, it had a straw in it!

Carefully she put her mouth round the straw but still did not take the glass, it was cold and sparkly and it kind of hurt but the sugar zing was amazing. Somehow she ended up holding the glass and slurping greedily, she panicked and looked up but there was only amusement in the dark crinkled eyes above her.

Looking through her lashes she handed back the glass, and though no thump came what would happen when Mum came back, when it was time for her mum to leave the police station again? She liked the childrens’ home, the beds were clean and there were cartoons on the telly but she couldn’t relax. A sound outside made her jump round and Kimmy’s eyes scanned the room for an imminent arrival.

‘Did Sam explain what happened today at the courts Kimmy,’ startled Kimmy stared back at the large lady, and tried to think, tried to remember, tears pushed out of her eyes at her failure to recall.

‘Why don’t you come and sit on the settee?’ Kimmy shook her head she didn’t really want to get within arm reach.

‘You’re mum is going to be in prison for a while this time Kimmy, she has also agreed to allow you to go to another family to be looked after, to become part of that family.’

Kimmy shock her head hard, and began to back away, what had she done wrong? She’d tried so hard to be good and now… ‘please don’t let them turn me into dog food!’ It was supposed to be a shout but instead it was a whisper.

The lady still heard her though.

She bore down on Kimmy who couldn’t back away any further and scooped her up, she was so shocked she forgot to struggle. ‘No one is going to hurt you like that Kimmy, no dog food factories or punches and food and I will be making sure you are safe and loved.’

Kimmy laid her head on the large woman who smelt of flowers, she didn’t really know what love was but she knew what safe was. The snug was safe she didn’t want it to end.

Posted: Friday, June 20th, 2014 @ 8:43 am
Categories: Flash Fiction.
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2 Responses to “Lemonade”

  1. Marc Nash Says:

    Aw, powerful stuff

  2. admin Says:

    thankyou Marc – it was one that had to be written

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